The Turbomachinery Laboratory will further its global impact this month during the Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo Expo) in Olso, Norway.
The conference, presented by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Gas Turbine Institute, is set for June 11-15. Experts from around the world will come together to share the latest academic findings in turbine technology, research, development and application.
Turbo Lab faculty and students will present or host more than 50 technical papers and sessions, and Turbo Lab staff will represent the Lab in the expo, booth 518.
The majority of Turbo Lab papers submitted to the conference are accepted to journal. Papers undergo a stringent review process in order to be journal-ready. They must be interesting, original, innovative and of significant relevance to the gas turbine industry, according to ASME evaluation guidelines.
“It’s a big honor to get accepted to journal,” said Dr. Eric Petersen, Turbo Lab director. “This is common for the Turbo Lab. It speaks to the high-quality research, and the high-quality students and faculty behind the research.”
Two Turbo Lab faculty researchers and three students will be honored during the conference for papers presented at the 2017 Turbo Expo in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dr. Luis San Andres and Xueliang Lu will receive an ASME Best Paper Award from the Structures and Dynamics Committee for “Leakage, Drag Power and Rotordynamic Force Coefficients of an Air in Oil (Wet) Annular Seal.” Dr. Je-Chin Han, Chao-Cheng (Joe) Shiau and Andrew Chen will also receive an ASME Best Paper Award from the Heat Transfer Committee for their paper, “Film Cooling Effectiveness Comparison on Full-Scale Turbine Vane Endwalls Using PSP Technique.”
The Best Paper Award is given to papers that rank in the top one percent of all conference submissions. They are high-quality, original and contribute uniquely to the science of engineering.
See below for details on Turbo Lab participation in the 2018 Turbo Expo.
Session Leadership
Dr. Eric Petersen
Co-Chair | Combustion Fuels & Emissions – Combustion Dynamics: High Frequency Instabilities
When: Monday, June 11 @ 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Dr. Adolfo Delgado
Chair | Structures & Dynamics: Bearing & Seal Dynamics – Fluid Film Bearings 3
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Co-Chair | Structures & Dynamics: Bearing & Seal Dynamics – Fluid Film Bearings 4
When: Thursday, June 14 @ @ 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Student Presentations
Hirotoshi Arihara
A Thermoelastohydrodynamic Analysis for the Static Performance of High Speed-Heavy Load Titling-Pad Journal Bearing Operating in the Turbulent Flow Regime and Comparisons to Test Data
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-77151
Travis Cable
On the Design, Manufacture, and Premature Failure of a Metal Mesh Foil Thrust Bearing How Concepts That Work on Paper, Actually Do Not.
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Paper #: GT2018-75340
Andrew F. Chen
Heat Transfer In A Rotating Two-Pass Rectangular Channel Featuring Reduced Cross-Sectional Area After Tip Turn (AR=4:1 To 2:1) With Profiled 60 Deg Angled Ribs
When: Friday, June 15 @ 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Paper #: GT2018-76999
Wonbae Jung
Evaluation of a Coated Top Foil Bearings: Dry Friction, Drag Torque, and Dynamic Force Coefficients
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Paper #: GT2018-75595
Rimpei Kawashita
Validation of CFD Analysis Method for Seal Dynamic Coefficients with Various Labyrinth Seal Types
When: Friday, June 15 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75251
Study on Subsynchronous Vibration with Tilting Pad Journal Bearing under Starved Lubrication
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75607
Bonjin Koo
Experimental Force Coefficients for Two Sealed Ends Squeeze Film Dampers(Piston Rings and O-rings): An Assessment of Their Similarities and Differences
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-76224
Ke Li
Effect of Coolant Injection Angle on Nozzle Endwall and Film Cooling: Experimental and Numerical Analysis in Linear Cascade
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75877
Turbine Nozzle Endwall Phantom Cooling with Compound Angled Pressure Side Injection
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75881
Reduction of Burner Variants for Differing Fuel Compositions by Combining Intelligent Control Methods and Experimental Data of Siemens SGT-400 Dry Low Emission Combustion System
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Paper #: GT2018-76234
Xueliang Lu
2018 Young Engineer Turbo Expo Participation Award Recipient
Lu’s travel and conference expenses are covered as a result of this award.
On the Influence of the Entrance Section on the Rotordynamic Performance of a Pump Seal with Uniform Clearance: a Sharp Edge VS. a Round Inlet
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75414
Leakage and Dynamic Force Coefficients of a Three-Wave (Air in Oil) Wet Annular Seal: Measurements and Predictions
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 8:00 – 8:30 AM
Paper #: GT2018-75200
Oliver Mathieu
NOx-Hydrocarbon Kinetics Model Validation Using Measurements of CO and H2O in Shock-heating CH4/C2H6 Mixtures with O2 or NO2 as Oxidant
When: Friday, June 15 @ 10:15 AM – 12:45 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75874
Clayton Mulvihill
NOx-Hydrocarbon Kinetics Model Validation Using Measurements of CO and H2O in Shock-heating CH4/C2H6 Mixtures with O2 or NO2 as Oxidant
When: Friday, June 15 @ 10:15 AM – 12:45 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75874
Clay Norrbin
Predictions for Non-Contacting Mechanical Face Seal Vibration with Excitation from Pump Vibration – Part I: Flexibly-Mounted Stator, Part II: Flexibly Mounted Rotor
When: Friday, June 15 @ 10:15 AM – 12:25 PM
Paper #: GT2018-77198 & GT2018-77200
Mauricio Ramirez
Measurements of the Leakage and Rotordynamic Performance of Interlocking Labyrinth Seals
When: Friday, June 15 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75885
Development and Validation of Test Rig for Measurements of Leakage and Rotordynamic Performance of Interlocking Labyrinth Seals
When: Friday, June 15 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-77131
Izzet Sahin
Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling Comparison from Five-Hole Design Patterns and Three Upstream Leakage Injection Angles
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75272
Chao-Cheng Shiau
Film Cooling Effectiveness from Two-Row of Compound Angled Cylindrical Holes using PSP Technique
When: Monday, June 11 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75167
Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling Comparison from Five Film-Hole Design Patterns and Three Upstream Leakage Injection Angles
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75272
Heat Transfer In A Rotating Two-Pass Rectangular Channel Featuring Reduced Cross-Sectional Area After Tip Turn (AR=4:1 To 2:1) With Profiled 60 Deg Angled Ribs
When: Friday, June 15 @ 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Paper #: GT2018-76999
Hari Shrestha
Experimental Study of the Leakage and Rotordynamic Coefficients of a Long Smooth Seal with Two-Phase, Mainly-Oil Mixtures
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Paper #: GT2018-75328
Nian Wang
Film Cooling Effectiveness from Two-Row of Compound Angled Cylindrical Holes using PSP Technique
When: Monday, June 11 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-7167
Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling Comparison from Five Film-Hole Design Patterns and Three Upstream Leakage Injection Angles
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75272
Tincheng Wu
Leakage and Dynamic Force Coefficients for Two Labyrinth Gas Seals: Teeth-on-Stator and Interlocking Configurations: A CFD approach to their Performance
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75205
Dr. Jing Yang
On the Influence of the Entrance Section on the Rotordynamic Performance of a Pump Seal with Uniform Clearance: a Sharp Edge VS. a Round Inlet
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 10:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75414
On the Leakage, Torque and Dynamic Force Coefficients of an Air in Oil (Wet) Annular Seal: a CFD Analysis Anchored to Test Data
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Paper #: GT2018-77140
Faculty Presentations
Dr. Dara Childs (Retired)

“Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics of a Liquid Annular Seal with a Circumferentially-Grooved Stator and Smooth Rotor Using Three Levels of Circumferential Inlet-Fluid Rotation”
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 8-10 AM
Paper # GT2018-75325
“A Simple (1-Flexible Rotor) Model That Shows Bull Gear Runout as a Source of Subsynchronous, Lateral Vibration in Integrally Geared Compressor (IGC) Pinions”
When: Friday, June 15 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper # GT2018-75326
“Experimental Study of the Leakage and Rotordynamic Coefficients of a Long Smooth Seal with Two-Phase, Mainly-Oil Mixtures”
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 8-10 AM
Paper # GT2018-75328
“Static and Dynamic Coefficient Measurements for a Thrust Collar Used in an Integrally-Geared Compressor”
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 18:00-19:30 PM
Paper # GT2018-75335
“Measurements of the Leakage and Rotordynamic Performance of Interlocking Labyrinth Seals”
When: Friday, June 15 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper # GT2018-75885
“Development and Validation of Test Rig for Measurements of Leakage and Rotordynamic Performance of Interlocking Labyrinth Seals”
When: Friday, June 15 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper # GT2018-77131
“Predictions for Non-Contacting Mechanical Face Seal Vibration with Excitation from Pump Vibration” (two parts)
When: Friday, June 15 @ 10:15 AM -12:45 PM
Part One: Paper # GT2018-77198
Part Two: Paper # GT2018-77200
Dr. Adolfo Delgado

Static and Dynamic Coefficient Measurements for a Thrust Collar Used in an Integrally-Geared Compressor
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 18:00-19:30 PM
Paper # GT2018-75335
Hermetically Sealed Squeeze Film Damper for Operation in Oil-Free Environments
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-76308
Compliant Hybrid Gas Bearing Using Modular Hermetically Sealed Squeeze Film Dampers
When: Monday, June 11 @ 16:00-17:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-76312
Dynamic Characterization of a Novel Externally Pressurized Compliantly Damped Gas-Lubricated Bearing with Hermetically Sealed Squeeze Film Damper Modules
When: Monday, June 11 @ 16:00-17:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-77212
Dr. Je-Chin Han

Film Cooling Effectiveness from Two-Row of Compound Angled Cylindrical Holes using PSP Technique
When: Monday, June 11 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75167
Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling Comparison from Five Film-Hole Design Patterns and Three Upstream Leakage Injection Angles
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75272
Heat Transfer In A Rotating Two-Pass Rectangular Channel Featuring Reduced Cross-Sectional Area After Tip Turn (AR=4:1 To 2:1) With Profiled 60 Deg Angled Ribs
When: Friday, June 15 @ 8-10 AM
Paper #: GT2018-76999
Dr. Eric L. Petersen

NOx-Hydrocarbon Kinetics Model Validation Using Measurements of CO and H2O in Shock-Heated CH4/C2H6 Mixtures with O2 or NO2 as Oxidant
When: Friday, June 15 @ 10:15 AM -12:45 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75874
Dr. Luis San Andres

Leakage and Dynamic Force Coefficients of a Three-Wave (Air in Oil) Wet Annular Seal: Measurement and Predictions
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 8-10 AM
Paper #: 75200
Leakage and Dynamic Force Coefficients for Two Labyrinth Gas Seals: Teeth-on-Stator and Interlocking Configurations. A CFD approach to their Performance
When: Wednesday June 13 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75205
“On the design, manufacture and premature failure of a metal mesh foil thrust bearing – how concepts that work on paper, actually do not.”
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 8-10 AM
Paper #: GT2018-75340
“On the Influence of the Entrance Section on the Rotordynamic Performance of a Pump Seal with Uniform Clearance: a Sharp Edge VS. a Round Inlet”
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 10:15 AM -12:15 PM
Paper #: GT2018-75414
“Evaluation of Coated Top Foil Bearings: Dry Friction, Drag Torque, and Dynamic Force Coefficients”
When: Tuesday, June 12 @ 8-10 AM
Paper #: GT2018-75595
Experimental Force Coefficients for Two Sealed Ends Squeeze Film Dampers(Piston Rings and O-rings): An Assessment of Their Similarities and Differences
When: Thursday, June 14 @ 14:00-15:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-76224
On the Leakage, Torque and Dynamic Force Coefficients of an Air in Oil (Wet) Annular Seal: a CFD Analysis Anchored to Test Data
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 16:00-17:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-77140
A Thermoelastohydrodynamic Analysis for the Static Performance of High Speed – Heavy Load Tilting-Pad Journal Bearing Operating in the Turbulent Flow Regime and Comparisons to Test Data
When: Wednesday, June 13 @ 16:00-17:30 PM
Paper #: GT2018-77151
Expo Booth
Booth 518