The Proceedings from each Symposia become available to the public at no cost six months after the event. The Turbomachinery Laboratory at Texas A&M is proud to host a platform for the exchange of ideas that impact turbomachinery, pump and related industries.
Proceedings are housed and archived on the Texas A&M University OAKTrust repository. The OAKTrust digital repository at Texas A&M is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes the scholarly output of the University. The repository facilitates open access scholarly communication while preserving the scholarly legacy of the Texas A&M community.
This repository is searchable on titles, authors, subjects, keywords, and more. Additionally, each paper includes a persistent identifier from the Handle.Net Registry (HNR), run by Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). CNRI is a Multi-Primary Administrator (MPA) of the Global Handle Registry (GHR), authorized by the DONA Foundation to allot prefixes to users of the Handle System.