Turbo Lab to Hold Extended Short Courses Virtually
For the first time, the Turbomachinery Laboratory will be hosting the Extended Short Courses virtually in order to avoid the risk of spreading COVID-19.
The Turbo Lab will host three short courses via GoToMeeting on October 12-15, 2020. Additionally, the courses will now be offered at a reduced rate compared to the original face-to-face pricing.
“The Turbo Lab is doing everything in its power to help slow the spread of COVID while still maintaining its promise to making a vital impact on the turbo and pump industry,” said Debbie Maggs, Turbo Lab Program Specialist. “By hosting the short courses virtually, we have the unique opportunity to continue to offer working professionals valuable education opportunities from a safe distance.”
The updated virtual courses are as follows:
Reciprocating Machinery Dynamics (NEW): This course will help attendees understand the fundamentals of machinery and piping vibration and assist in determining their safety and reliability. Attendees will gain insight into methods for analyzing systems in the design stage to eliminate or prevent issues. This course is intended for engineers and analysts who work with plant machinery and piping and must make decisions about the reliability and safety of systems experiencing high vibration. The course is taught by Ken Atkins, Charles Hill, Troy Feese, and Stephen Price of Engineering Dynamics Incorporated. Reciprocating Machinery Dynamics will be offered at a discounted rate of $1,100 during pre-registration through October 8. After this date, the virtual course will be $1,300.
Centrifugal Compressor Operations for 21st Century Users (CCOPS): CCOPS will assist to accelerate attendees understanding of centrifugal compressors and how they are used in oil and gas applications. This course covers design aspects, aerodynamics, rotordynamics, the practical applications of installation, testing, commissioning and procurement. CCOPS is for beginning-and-intermediate-level engineers and is taught by Jim Sorokes, Mark Sandberg, Jeff Moore, and Jigger Jumonville. CCOPs will be offered at $1,500 for pre-registration, or $1,800 for full price.
Rotordynamics: This course will provide attendees with a basis for understanding the rotordynamics- behavior and diagnosis- of turbines, compressors, expanders, motors, pumps and generators and their subcomponents to help select, analyze, troubleshoot and repair them for maximum reliability. The Rotordynamics course is full of case studies and workshops in order to create a hands-on evaluation of actual machines. This course is for beginning-and-intermediate-level petroleum, chemical, and power and gas engineers and is taught by Malcolm Leader, owner of Applied Machinery Dynamics. The Rotordynamics virtual course is $1,500, pre-registration, or $1,800, full price.
Turbo and pump engineers searching for continued education are strongly encouraged to attend these online short courses.
“The quality and experience of these instructors will allow everyone who attends the ability to walk away with valuable information pertaining to their field,” said Mark Sandberg, a CCOPS course instructor. “Especially now with the courses online, it’s amazing to get the chance to share valuable information with engineers across the world.”
For more information on each course and to register, visit turbolab.tamu.edu/short-courses.
The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Turbomachinery Laboratory makes a vital impact on turbomachinery and related industries through research, education and professional workforce development.