Three research groups are active in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics at the Turbomachinery Laboratory. While some research and experiments overlap, each group has a distinct specialty as outlined below.
Cizmas Group
The Cizmas Group works in the development of computational fluid dynamic analysis for turbomachinery. This work concentrates on unsteady flows in turbomachinery using both time-linearization and time-marching methods. The Cizmas Group has developed the CoRSI code for simulation of in situ reheat in turbines and analysis of turbine-combustors, the UNS3D general computational fluid dynamics code, the UNS3D-AE code for high-fidelity aerolastic analysis, and the UNS3D-POD proper orthogonal decomposition-based reduced-order model for turbomachinery flows.
Performance and Reliability Group
The R&P Group focuses on conducting fundamental and applied research to advance the state of the art of rotating equipment. The Group’s research projects span a wide variety of topics tailored to address different technical needs. From multi-year research development of new concepts to fast-paced short-term projects, we provide technical contributions to advance low TRL concepts and more immediate and practical solutions to our sponsors.
Tribology Group / Rotordynamics Lab
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Mast-Childs Professor
In the field of Tribology (friction, lubrication and wear) research focuses on experimentally verified computational film flow models for the prediction of the static and dynamic force response of fluid film bearings; in particular hydrostatic bearings, tilting pad bearings, annular pressure seals, squeeze film dampers, floating ring bearings, gas damper bearings and seals, foil gas bearings and porous-carbon bearings.
In the Rotordynamics field, research deals with the measurement and prediction of the dynamic lateral vibration characteristics of turbomachinery, encompassing both the traditional aspects of rotordynamics analysis and investigations into the fluid film-structure interaction forces that influence rotordynamics, with a major emphasis in fluid film dampers and gas bearings.